I've dramatically improved the strength and sleekness of the design, and I also made the staff compatible with the $1 finger LEDs from Amazon.
See a new video here.
And you can now buy yours (DIY kit or full staff) directly on my site, techneesh!
I had about 15 people come up to me over the weekend (at Electric Forest // Rothbury) and ask me where I got my LED staff and how much I paid for it. It seems I'm not the only one frustrated that there's only really one LED staff on the market and it costs about $180!
So, here are instructions to make your own collapsible LED bo staff for about $25!
Building requires about 15 minutes time, a trip to Home Depot, and the custom translucent pieces I made (you can buy them with the button below and you will get them in 2-3 days).
1. Gather the following supplies:
(from top to bottom, left to right)
- 2x 2' long 3/4" thick PVC pipe (pre-cut at Home Depot) - $1.39 ea/
- 3x Glow Wands (can find at Sears, Home Depot, Amazon, etc) - $2-5 ea/
- Electrical tape (whatever colors you prefer) - $3 ea/
- Translucent endcaps, middle, & connectors - $19 - I made these myself, click the button below to buy them and I will ship out USPS priority (so you will get them in 2-3 days :)
5. Now pop in the endcaps and connect the two PVC pieces with the middle piece!
6. Congratulations! You now have a lightweight, collapsible, awesome-looking LED staff you made yourself for under $30 :)
Here's what it looks like in the dark:
For extra stability, you can use some extra electrical tape to secure the middle piece to the PVC. Most glow wand LED lights will last 60+ hours with continuous (and bright!) lighting :)
Please let me know what you think in the comments!
If you'd like me to make the entire staff for you, fill out this form and I'll ship it out within 48 hours!
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